Ceaseless Echoes of the Great Silence

A Commentary on the Heart Sutra, Prajnaparamita
by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche
translated by Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche
Edited by Joan Kaye, Ph.D.
BASIC TO ALL DHARMA STUDENTS. The core of the Middle way of Mahayana Buddhism is the profound teaching on emptiness called the Sutra of the Heart of Transcendent Wisdom. It is the mother of all the Buddhas creating the spaciousness for wisdom and compassion as well as the Six Perfections.
Khenchen Rinpoche presents a clear and concise exegesis on The Heart Sutra-sentence by sentence. He clarifies this ancient scripture as it was directly received from Buddha Shakyamuni.
Considered by Tibetans to be a family treasure, The Heart Sutra was handed down from generation to generation as a wisdom heritage from parent to progeny for evocation of the mind of enlightenment. This most essential commentary is rich in tradition, sacredness and liberation.
Soft Cover 6 x 9 in. 102 pages
ISBN 1-880976-01-7