The Smile of Sun and Moon

A Commentary on The Praise to the Twenty-One Taras
by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche
translated and edited by Anna Orlova
The twenty-one emanations of Tara, the mother of all buddhas, manifest swiftly to protect sentient beings from all fears; pacify evils, disease and misfortune; increase longevity, wealth and merit; overpower the deluded perception; and conquer the demonic forces of negative emotions.
The Praise to the Twenty-One Taras, connecting the practitioner to Tara's enlightened activity, was memorized and recited by almost every Tibetan regardless of school or tradition.
In this book, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche clarifies each word of The Praise according to the four levels of meaning: the outer, inner, secret, and the ultimate meaning explained according to Prajnaparamita, Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Dzogchen. The visualization instructions follow the inner practice of The Queen of Great Bliss revealed by the great master Jigme Lingpa as part of Longchen Nyingthig terma cycle.
Exquisitely designed, this book contains the root text and Rinpoche's commentary in both Tibetan and English, as well as the mantras and color images of the twenty-one Tara manifestations.
Soft cover 6x9 in.
228 pages, 23 color plates, 21 line drawings
ISBN 1-880975-07-6