Tsasum Lingpa Terma Project

"Wandering freely like wind,
Benefiting sentient beings free of bias
And skillfully guiding them
In unpredictable and secret ways,
You turn the wheel of Secret Mantra,
Unsurpassed Supreme Vehicle.
Vidyadhara, Lord of Dance, I supplicate you."
Terchen Tsasum Lingpa
Orgyen Tsasum Lingpa Chokyi Gyatso (1694-1738) was an incarnation of Nub Sangye Yeshe and one of the major tertons predicted by Guru Padmasambhava himself. He revealed many treasures—both physical objects and sacred texts containing pith instructions and ritual practices related to all major deities of Nyingma tradition.
Although Tsasum Lingpa's lineage was widespread throughout Eastern Tibet, particularly in Doshul, Khyungpo and Powo regions, his treasure teachings only existed in a handwritten form, and the entire tradition came close to extinction with the destruction of all monasteries and libraries during the 1960s.
Since his escape to India, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche worked tirelessly to locate, collect and publish the surviving manuscripts, and was eventually able to print eleven volumes of Tsasum Lingpa termas written in Ume script. In the mid-1990s, Tsasum Lingpa Terma Project was envisioned with the goal of digitizing, revising and preserving these texts. With the addition of numerous manuscripts newly arrived from Tibet and Nepal, the collection was planned to contain seventeen volumes, however only twelve had been completed before Rinpoche's parinirvana.